It is established by now that digitalisation has trembled our modern society and its approaches. We have increasing customer empowerment, SaaS services, a transformation in business strategies, and of course, in consultancy. 

It doesn’t matter if it is in technology, finance, marketing, or wherever your business might need an outside expert opinion on. 

These digital changes have shifted traditional revenue models, improved partnerships, and overall consultation performance. 

Here is how consultants could adapt to these developments as well: 

A broader range of expertise.

Purely technical consultants won’t make the cut for too long. 

Since companies won’t need an army of techs to deploy or maintain a system, the consultancies toward business expertise and those who cross over both technical and business areas will rise. 

The work of many advisers is shifting towards customer experience design, analytics, security, mobility, and artificial intelligence. Consultants will need broader architectural skills in these areas to pull all the puzzle pieces together of growing a business. 

You’re not just a problem solver, but a problem explorer as well.

Nowadays, there are new ways you can engage with clients and create a “presence” in a variety of forms. 

Consultancy delivery might be given through onsite centres (e.g., digital studios or innovation centres), and virtual workgroups. telepresence, or different collaboration tools.

Whatever that mechanism may be, one thing should always remain a priority in the face of interaction, empathy and understanding

Know how to ask the right questions.

A lot of times, businesses might not even be aware of what is holding them back from growing or fixing a problem. Which is why they are reaching for a fresh perspective and outside opinion, to begin with. 

Conversing in a very intuitive and perceptive manner will give consultants more information on what the business problem might be. This way, they will know how to offer the right piece of guidance. 


After getting the right entail, you might need to solve problems that can be completely new to you—or even to the industry. 

In the face of these tough challenges and requirements, it’s your resourcefulness that will help you succeed. The ability to quickly adapt and creatively solve problems is a must.